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New Years fitness resolutionsThe New Year has begun, and if you haven’t already, it’s the perfect time to create your New Year’s resolutions. These are some of the best fitness commitments you can make to yourself this year. Remember, it’s never too late to make changes!

1. Find Workouts You Love

Here’s something you might not realize: you don’t have to force yourself to do a bunch of workouts that you really don’t enjoy doing. Instead, use 2018 to try out new workout routines and find the ones that you enjoy most. Doing so is the best way to keep yourself motivated and excited to exercise. So if you hate going for a jog, stop doing that and instead take a kickboxing class, a power yoga class, or even a Pilates class, as a few other examples. Have fun as you get fit and you will never want to quit.

2. Learn New Healthy Recipes

Are you tired of eating the same old meals all the time and falling off your healthy diet as a result? Whether you take cooking classes in 2018 or you just make it a point to purchase some cookbooks and search for new recipes online, finding new meals that you can prepare at home and indulge in with your family and friends is a great way to make eating healthy more fun.

3. Add More Low-Impact Workouts to Your Routine

A lot of people are under the impression that you only need high-impact workouts to get in shape fast. But the truth is that balance is the key. Sure, HIIT and running are great examples of workouts that could help you lose weight and build strength and stamina, but low-impact workouts are just as important. Focus on low-impact workouts that strengthen your muscles and stretch your body out. Yoga and Pilates are great examples.

4. Give Yourself Time to Unwind

Stress could be a contributing factor in your weight gain, as well as your unhappiness and your lack of motivation to exercise and eat right. So setting a resolution to take time to unwind, to unplug from technology, and to get more sleep is a good way to find that much-needed balance between doing and resting that your body and mind really need to be healthy and fit.

5. Stop Weighing Yourself

This year, focus more on how you feel and how you look rather than scale-based weight loss support. After all, if you’re building more muscle, the number of the scale might even go up, so it could be deceiving. Ditch the scale and measure your waistline instead. Take your height in inches, cut it in half, and aim to get your waistline down to that number to reach a healthy size.