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start to enjoy weight loss

You can start to enjoy weight loss in many ways, including a change of perspective.

So, how do you enjoy weight loss? You can actually make weight loss far less miserable than what it is. Like everything else, the first thing to get working for you is your attitude and to fix the way you look at weight loss.
When people are dieting they are miserable because they are looking at all the sacrifices they are going to have to make. It feel like a long and drawn out journey of which they will hate every minute. They hate it because with it, comes an intrinsic fear of failure. This happens because they are focused on the negativity of what they are doing and they don’t know how to enjoy weight loss.
How to enjoy weight loss:
There are ways to look at the weight loss process that can actually get you to enjoy it. This can only be done by a stiff change of perspective on your part. You should find it easier if you are focused on the positive long and short term results. In the short term you will be learning lessons that are necessary for you to live healthier in the long run. This means you must stop viewing dieting as a temporary calorie restriction.
When you commit to thinking of the weight loss process as a health building process then you start to enjoy weight loss simply because you know it is enhancing your health and your ability to keep the weight off permanently. Weight loss should be a right of passage into a different way of life much less a different dress size.
Other ways to enjoy weight loss:
You can invite friends to the experience. You are more likely to lose weight and keep the weight off if you aren’t left to go it alone. If you are in a position to get with a friend or to join a group or even a walking club you will be able to gain a better perspective if you have people around you that are working on the same goal as you are. It has been proven statistically that you are more likely to lose weight and be happier about it with a feeling of accomplishment when you have friends around you, than you would if you were to go it alone. So join a club or a class at the gym and start to enjoy weight loss.