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Workout Routine Makes You PeeDo you find that you need to pee more when you are making your way through your workout routine? Well, you certainly aren’t alone. According to Montreal Gazette, there are a lot of women who end up avoiding physical activity, including exercise, because they are embarrassed by the fact that they have leaks during their workout, or they continually have to rush to the bathroom to avoid an accident. These issues can also be more common amongst those who are trying to get through high impact workouts. To learn more, continue reading.

Some Information You Might Find Interesting

If your workout routine makes you have to pee more, consider the fact that women who are athletes are actually nearly three times more likely to ask for professional help as a result of bladder leakage issues, compared to women who lead sedentary lifestyles. It is also worth noting that “athletic incontinence” is a term that is actually beginning to replace the phrase “stress incontinence” when it comes to leaks that occur during a workout. Bottom line: you aren’t alone, so you shouldn’t be embarrassed.

What Causes You to Have to Pee More While Exercising?

A weakened pelvic floor is often the cause of having to feel like you have to pee while you exercise. The pelvic floor is found at the—you guessed it—floor of your abdominal cavity, and it makes up the bottom of your pelvis. It also contains several layers of connective tissue and muscles that are all there to support your organs, including your bladder.
If you have given birth or gone through menopause, your pelvic floor may be weaker as a result. Other causes of a weak pelvic floor, however, might be to blame, such as medications, health problems, and surgery. Also, when it comes to certain athletic activities, overworking the pelvic floor might even cause weakness.
No matter what is causing your pelvic floor to be weaker than it should, the result might be that you find bladder leaks become more common, especially during your workout routine.

Do You Suffer from Urinary Incontinence?

If you have been diagnosed with urinary incontinence, don’t be ashamed to talk to your doctor about possible solutions to improve your situation. You can even try Kegel exercises to help strengthen the pelvic floor. That way, you will be able to exercise without having to worry about leaks or running to the bathroom.