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Weight Loss Efforts and mindContrary to popular belief, cutting calories and exercising is not enough to lose weight. Weight loss requires psychological preparation and, without proper mental resolve, your weight loss efforts might go down the drain and cause you to lose motivation and get off track in the long run. Start your weight loss efforts in the mind to reap the best results. Here’s how you should start your weight loss effort:
Set Goals
Wanting to lose weight is not enough. Setting goals at the beginning of your weight loss journey is one of the most effective ways to maintain focus and motivation. Writing your goals down in a tiny notepad is the perfect way to start. Set realistic goals so you can monitor your progress as you achieve them. In addition to a notebook, write your goals down in a place where you can actually see them to have a more significant impact on your mind.
Picture Yourself Thin
Tired of the way you look in the mirror? Start picturing yourself thin. Start visualizing your future self and think about how awesome you would look and feel without carrying those extra pounds. To boost motivation, pick out an outfit from the mall that is a few sizes small for you. Promise yourself to stick to the weight loss goals which you have planned so you can fit into that dress you like, or dig up old photographs of your thinner self and tape them on the wall for motivation.
Select and Visualize Rewards
Plan and select rewards for yourself. This will increase your chances of weight loss success. On a small notepad, make the effort to outline small rewards for yourself and, as you complete your milestones, set even bigger rewards for yourself. Tangible perks and rewards give you reason and motivation to stick to your goals.
Set Realistic Expectations
Set realistic expectations for yourself before deciding to lose weight. When doctors ask patients how much weight they want to lose, the answer is normally a digit that is not attainable. On the safer side, plan on losing 1 to 2 pounds every month. At the end of the year, you will end up losing 12 to 24 pounds, which is quite an accomplishment.
View Eating Unhealthy As a Bad Habit
Do not ditch junk food to restrict calories. In the long run, you are most likely to lose weight if you address negative eating habits and associate them with poor health rather than simply viewing it as a way to gain weight.
Consider following these tips before starting your weight loss efforts.
To help get your mind in line with weight loss, try Phentramin-D. This unique diet pill offers mood support and appetite suppression, so you can make better choices without as much frustration.