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Exercise to Tone Your Butt

You can practice squats, yoga poses, or strength training moves to tone your butt to perfection.

Who doesn’t want a toned tush? A toned butt will help you look better in your bathing suit and boost your confidence when you are flaunting your favorite dress. Your tush is just a muscle and like all muscles, it can be targeted and stretched. A tush-toning workout will help you tone your butt fast. Here some of the best exercises to tone your butt:
You might be dreading this word but squats are some of the easiest exercises to tone your butt. In addition, doing squats does not require any equipment and you can just do it at home rather than going to the gym. The traditional method of doing squats is to stand with your feet apart and the squat down at a 90o angle. Stand up and repeat the movement. Make sure you are pressing back on your heels instead of putting pressure on to your toe. Ideally, you should do about two sets of 15 reps each to get ideal results.
Yoga has many relaxing moves that not only have a relaxing effect on your body and mind but some moves target your butt. So, if you want to tone your butt or don’t want to go to the gym, yoga is perfect for you. Some yoga poses that will help you tone your tush:
Downward Dog Pose: The downward dog pose requires you to put both your hands and feet on the floor. You then arch your back upwards as far as you can.
Warrior Pose: For this pose you need to put both your hands straight over your head while looking up. Then, step forward using your right foot and lunge, while keeping your left leg straight behind you. Both your feet need to be anchored on the ground. Repeat the process by switching legs. This is an ideal exercise that will help you tone your butt.
Weight Training
If you are generally an impatient person and want to see results fast, weight training will yield results more quickly. Using dumbbells, you can perform some of the most effective and fast yielding exercises to tone your butt. First, get yourself some dumbbells. You can either buy you own or visit a gym or a workout station. To master the art of working out with dumbbells, bend your knees and lift the dumbbells. You need to hold them with an overhand grip, which means your palms should be towards the dumbbell. Stand up and lower the dumbbells to the ground. Repeat the process. This is a fairly easy exercise and does not require any advanced gym equipment.