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stop cellulite from forming Trying to stop cellulite can be a frustrating process. After all, it’s not just regular body fat. It’s stubborn, bumpy, ugly body fat that can appear on people of any size.
Even the slimmest people can find themselves struggling to stop cellulite. Its bumpy texture has earned it a stream of nicknames such as orange peel skin, cottage cheese thighs and even hail damage! Regardless of what you call it, the odds are that you don’t want it.
Being able to stop cellulite means that you need to get started on the right foot. Begin by understanding what it is. This is a term that actually refers to deposits of fat located immediately below the skin. It is often found on the inner thighs, the back of the thighs, the buttocks area and the abdomen. It’s not entirely known why any given person can experience cellulite. There are many causes believed to be behind these fatty deposits including genetic predisposition, unhealthful diet and lifestyle and even hormonal imbalances. Some people even have an increase of cellulite in areas where they wear tight clothing. Tight waists on pants and tight underwear elastics can increase the development of cellulite deposits.
Unfortunately, there are no proven methods for eliminating cellulite. It is possible to help to reduce the risk of its formation by avoiding tight-fitting clothing, eating a healthful, balanced and portion controlled diet and exercising regularly. That said, once it has formed, there is no proven way to get rid of it.
There are therapeutic methods for reducing it. They include: pneumatic massages, ultrasound, heat therapy, lymphatic flow stimulating massages, magnetic therapy, radio frequency therapy, endermologie and electrical stimulation, among others. However, none of those methods are scientifically proven.
Other methods include the topical use of theobromine and caffeine, beta antagonists such as adrenaline, gingko biloba, rutin, amino acids, and several other ingredients. Again, those are not proven when used orally, topically or by injections.
Because there is no treatment of any form that has been proven effective, the best thing you can do is to keep your body in shape, hydrate and eat well. That can help to reduce the risk of further development of cellulite while reducing the appearance of existing cellulite by as much as possible.
You can also help to reduce overall body fat by using Phentramin-d which speeds up your metabolism while suppressing the size of your appetite.