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Protein Affect Weight Loss

How does protein affect weight loss? It has a definite positive effect.

Protein is often associated with muscle gain. But most people are not aware of the way protein can help you lose weight. In fact, if you use protein to help you lose weight, you will not develop deficiencies as you normally would when on a diet. In fact, it is best you consume a significant number of calories in the form of protein-rich foods. Protein also helps you retain muscle. So you lose fat, but at the same time, you gain muscle. Do keep in mind that gaining muscle does not mean you will bulk up like competing bodybuilders. When your body gains muscle, you automatically lose fat. In fact, gaining muscle is the best way to lose fat. Now let’s see in detail: How does protein affect weight loss?
Amount of Protein Needed to Lose Weight
The first step in losing weight is limiting the number of calories you consume on a daily basis. The trick is to calculate your daily calorie-intake requirements. The calories you consume should be just right. If you consume more calories than you require, they will be stored in your body as fat. On the other hand, if you consume too few, you will become weak. You will begin experiencing fatigue halfway through the day.
More importantly, you need to focus on the number of calories you consume in the form of protein. In fact, you should increase your protein intake significantly to help you lose weight. Typically, you need to consume three-fourths of your target body-weight in protein-rich foods. This quantity can be increased as long as it does not exceed three-fourths of your current body-weight. This protein intake is the recommended intake per day.
The calculations are simple: First, determine your target body weight. Be sure not to set unrealistic targets. If you want to weigh 170 pounds and are currently weighing 200 pounds, you will need to consume 130 to 160 grams of protein in a day. Each gram of protein contains four calories. So, in essence, you will be consuming 520 to 640 calories in the form of protein daily.
How Protein Causes Weight Loss
There are many different amino acids that make up proteins. So, how does protein affect weight loss? Amino acids are particularly helpful in helping you lose weight. Since protein is made up of amino acids, it contributes toward weight loss. However, some amino acids are better than others at helping you lose weight. According to research, the best type of amino acid for weight loss is leucine.
If you amp up your leucine intake high enough, your metabolism will get a boost. This results in steady weight loss. However, you simply cannot increase your protein intake and expect to lose weight unless you cut down on the carbohydrates. The best way to do this is to use whey protein instead of consuming protein from natural sources.
How Protein Affects Your Metabolism
A high protein intake combined with low carbohydrate consumption can result in a significant weight loss. Not only does this diet help lose weight, but it also curbs your blood sugar levels and promotes cardiac health.
If you were wondering, “How does protein affect weight loss?” the relationship should now be much clearer.