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Best Exercises for Your Body Type

If you are an Ectomorph, exercises for your body type will include very little cardio.

Do you think the hours you are clocking in at the gym are not producing the desired results? Are you frustrated with the body type nature gifted you and want to change it? With the right diet plan and exercises for your body type, you can shape your body for good. Knowing which of the three basic body types you have will help you alter your diet and exercise plan and set attainable and realistic goals that pave the way to your success.
There are three fundamental human body types: the endomorph, described by a prevalence of body fat, the mesomorph, distinguished by a well-developed musculature, and the ectomorph, illustrated by a lack of much fat or muscle tissue. An ectomorph will naturally appear thinner than he or she is, an endomorph will look weighty even when ripped, and a mesomorph will look well balanced even with a little added weight. Let’s look at some exercises for each of these body types. Maybe you will find within them exercises for your body type:
Endomorphs suffer the hardest time in losing fat. The solution is to start with a program that burns fat instead of muscle building. The extra weight can place pressure on joints and bones. High impact exercises, like tennis, should be traded in for low impact cardio exercises, like biking or walking. Endomorphs with bigger breasts should try recumbent bikes to prevent from hunching over. They can also lift light weights to increase upper back and mid-strength.
Male endomorphs need to crash their body fat proportion and increase muscle mass, thus altering their body type to look more like that of a mesomorph. Female endomorphs can accentuate their curves by adding muscle tone which will help them get thinner, and will help create an hourglass shape. Start by losing body fat through cardio and building muscle in specific areas of your body. Beware of unintentionally using weight training to work on specific parts of the body. If you want to trim down your thighs, for example, perform cardio workouts and not body part explicit resistance exercise.
Ectomorphs have an extremely proficient metabolism. If you are an ectomorph, doing the right exercises for your body type is extremely important. Train with at least 9 to 12 reps for minor body parts and 12 to 16 for larger ones. Squats, deadlifts, leg presses and benches have a hormonal impact and help produce hormones like GH and testosterone. Minimize or eliminate aerobic training. The calorie deficits that results will counteract your ability to put on size.
Skipping meals is worse than having a terrible meal. Having the continuous calorie influx helps your body balance its expenditure and production of energy. Consider investing in an appetite enhancer in order to keep stuffing your food hole. Ectomorphs have trouble adding fat and muscle. They are usually referred to as hard gainers in the gym.
Mesomorphs make great gains regardless of the exercise they opt for. This can be both a blessing and a curse as unsound training practices elicit gains early on and can lead to developing poor training factors that make it impractical to keep up the gains without getting injured. Mesomorphs display a natural athletic look due to their strong and thick muscles. They are more drawn to muscle building than cardio equipment.
You can start with three or four exercises for each muscle set. You can sort out the order of these and use elevated repetitions with light weights to challenge the muscle. Your workout should span no more than 1 hour, and mesomorphs can use complex techniques such as forced sets, supersets, drop sets and strip sets. Mesomorphs exercise best with a high-protein diet and a moderate carbohydrate intake. Mesomorphs that have gained extra weight will at first do well with a low-carb approach.
So, figure out your body type so you can start working out with the right exercises for your body type.