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Best Exercises for Joint PainIf you suffer with joint pain, it could be extremely difficult to get moving and enjoy a wide range of workouts. But if you know a few of the best exercises for joint pain sufferers, you can actually improve your mobility and start to feel better. A few of them are listed below, so definitely consider adding these to your fitness routine.
Low-Impact Aerobic Workouts
Because you have joint pain, you need to go easy on your body when you are doing cardio exercises. Low-impact routines are a better choice, and they are just as effective at getting your heart rate up so you can burn through excess fat and calories. A few great examples of the low-impact workouts that you can embrace include bicycling, walking, and swimming. Elliptical machines are also a good choice for those who prefer going to the gym.
Stretching Exercises
In addition to low-impact cardio, stretching exercises for joint pain are also recommended. These exercises will help to improve and maintain your range of motion, while also reducing the amount of stiffness in your joints. Gentle yoga classes are a fantastic way to learn some new stretches that will lengthen your body without putting extra strain on it.
Strength Training Routines
Building up the strength of the muscles that surround your joints will help protect them. You can train with some light dumbbells so you don’t overdo it and cause injuries. Avoid using the same muscle groups on consecutive days; instead, schedule a rest day in between. You can do cardio or stretching during your rest days from strength training. It is also a good idea to take an extra rest day if you are noticing that your joints are more swollen or painful than usual.
Body Awareness Workouts
Finally, consider adding some body awareness exercises to your routine. These include tai chi and yoga, and they are workouts that focus on improving your balance so that you can prevent falls. These exercises also increase relaxation and boost your coordination while improving your posture. Plus, the movements will get your body flowing in a gentle way so that your joint pain can diminish.
Start adding these exercises for joint pain to your workout routine to start feeling the results. And if you need a bit of extra help losing weight because you aren’t able to do too many intense workouts at the gym, consider supplementing a healthy diet with a product like Phentramin-D.