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Avoid Common Salad MistakesSure, salads are healthy, and eating more salads can help boost your health, as well as help you lose excess weight. However, in order for a salad to be healthy and diet-friendly, it needs to be prepared correctly, with the right ingredients.
What are some of the common salad mistakes that people make? Check out the information below to learn more, and then avoid making these mistakes so that you can keep your salad low-calorie and nutritious.

Using the Wrong Greens

Dark leafy greens are the way to go when making a salad. Unfortunately, one of the most common salad mistakes is the use of iceberg lettuce, which is far less nutritious. Stick with spinach, kale, romaine, and mixed greens. The darker the leaves are, the more nutritious they are.
Once you have your greens, feel free to add in some tasty vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and roasted sweet potatoes. The more color, the better!

Add Some Plant-Based Protein and Fat

If a salad that contains veggies alone isn’t enough to satisfy you, try adding in some super nutritious plant-based proteins, like tofu, tempeh, nuts, edamame, and chickpeas. If you are following a low-carb diet, these plant-based proteins will help you stick to your goal, and they can also help improve your health and increase energy.
Next, add a bit of healthy fat to your salad. According to Popsugar, good choices include seeds, nuts, and avocado. These will be higher in calories, so be careful with your choices.

Watch the Calories

Another one of the many common salad mistakes that people make is loading on so many ingredients that the calories in the meal go way up. Sticking with a salad that contains anywhere from 400 to 450 calories is ideal. So, as you pick your veggies, protein, fat, and dressing, keep this range in mind.
Avoiding these common salad mistakes will help you create a much tastier salad that really satisfies your appetite and gives your body a dose of nutrition that will keep you going strong until your next meal.