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Calculate the Amount of Calories Fat and Protein Daily

Keeping track of nutrition is important during weight loss. Knowing how to calculate the amount of calories, fat and protein daily can help.

If you are trying to lose weight or simply to get healthier, you want to know how to calculate the amount of calories, fat, and protein you need daily. The truth is that most of us don’t get enough nutrition in some areas but far too much in other areas. It’s a normal problem since we don’t often know what we need to be our best, so the answer is learning the right numbers to aim for. While there isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all type of equation for each and every factor, there are straightforward ways to determine healthy goals for these main nutritional metrics. You want to opt for a whole, natural, and healthy diet, which will help get you to where you want to be.
As you calculate the amount of calories, fat, and protein you need each day, start with the basics. You need to know your height, your current weight, the weight that you want to get to, and your activity level; and you should also consider your body makeup, age, gender, and particular health conditions. When you think about calories, remember that your intake should be less than your output. That is to say, you should be burning more calories through exercise than you consume per day. This may vary slightly by individual, but it’s still a good general goal. Calorie intake may be the most important measure when it comes to weight loss, and it does affect other aspects of weight loss and health as well.
Look At The Big Picture
As you work to calculate the amount of calories, fat, and protein you need each day, think of this as a big-picture view. Let’s take your fat intake as a starting point. Your total fat intake should be about 20 to 35 percent of your total calorie intake each day. When you look at your protein intake, it’s likely much different than you anticipate because that should be about 10 to 35 percent of your daily calorie intake. Much of that variance has a lot to do with your activity level and gender, as those will factor in greatly. You do need each and every food group since they perform various functions within the body. You never want to skip out on any of these nutrients, or you will cut yourself short.
When you think about how to calculate the amount of calories, fat, and protein you need each day, you also want to think about your overall goals. If you are trying to lose weight, then you may need to reduce your calories by about 500 each day to get to your ideal target weight more easily. If you are working toward maintenance, then your protein needs may go up, especially if you happen to be very active. There may not be a precise calculation for every type of nutrient, but be sure that you look at your own individual situation. Then you can figure out what you need to work toward and what will help you to reach your goals.